Weekly Word: Advent #4 – LOVE

Read: 1 Corinthians 13, Romans 12
Watch: https://bibleproject.com/explore/video/agape-love/
Pray: “Jesus, show me how much you love me.”

Love is the greatest gift of all! It is as if love is the wrapping paper containing all the other gifts of Christmas: Faith, hope, joy, and glory. All this, wrapped in one special bundle called love. The bow that ties this package is the body and blood of Jesus, broken and spilled out for us on the Cross. Oh, that we would only receive this gift of ultimate love! This gift, given at just the right time! God loved us so much that He sent Jesus to be the Lamb of God, who takes away our sins. Our broken relationship is restored, redeemed, and we are brought into loving relationship with the Trinity. We enter into that perfect bond of loving relationship.

Do you know God created you, just the way you are? Before you were formed in your mother’s womb, God knew you. He knew you before Creation. He said about you, “you are very good.” That means that because you are created in the image and likeness of God, you have worth and dignity based on who He is. God is love; therefore, your worth is bound up in Him, in Love. God knows you are “messed up.” We all are; it is called sin. We are born into it and can’t seem to escape it, on our own that is. This is why Jesus was born, lived, and died. Love brought Almighty God to the manger that night. Love kept Him taking each step toward the cross. Love held Him there! Love is what brought Him out of the tomb. This is love, for you! However, it does not stop there. You were made to love! Love returned to your Creator (Father, Son, and Spirit), and love freely and abundantly flowing to others.

  1. Love’s Journey: Reflect on the journey of Jesus from the manger to the cross. How do each of these milestones illustrate the theme of sacrificial love?
  2. Love in Action: What are some challenges you face in expressing love to others? How can the teachings of Jesus help in overcoming these challenges?
  3. A Life of Love: Considering that we were made to love, how can you ensure that love is a central theme in your life? What steps can you take to cultivate a life characterized by love?

Dr Mark John Bennett

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