About donations to Immanuel Baptist Church

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2º Corinthians 9:7 (ESV)

Tithes and offerings can be given as general gifts or special offerings.

General gifts
Freewill tithes and offerings are used to support the daily operations of the church. To meet our annual budget for missions, ministries, general expenses and salaries, we depend on the regular, undesignated giving of members and supporters.

Special offerings
For giving that exceeds your regular tithe, you can specify to which mission, ministry or project you want to designate your offering. For example, you could write “IBC Madrid Building Project” in the memo of your check or bank transfer to designate your donation for that project.

For U.S. residents / citizens

You can make a US tax-deductible gift to Immanuel Baptist Church in any of the following ways:

  • by sending a check payable to International Baptist Church Ministries to:

International Baptist Church Ministries
P.O. Box 833276
Richardson, TX 75083-3276
Phone: 214.868.6596

PLEASE NOTE: In order for the money to reach us, all checks must include in the memo “Immanuel Baptist Church, Madrid”. If a special offering, also mention the mission, ministry or project designation in the memo.

On this page, you will find instructions and links for making donations through PayPal, through bank wire transfer or through mail.

For residents of Spain / Worldwide

You can make a Spanish tax-deductible gift to Immanuel Baptist Church in any of the following ways:

  • the preferred method is bank transfer from any European bank (in Euros). You can receive an email with SEPA bank transfer instructions by requesting it here.
  • you can place cash or check in an offering envelope with your name written on it into the Sunday offering.
  • you could also mail a check (though this is the least secure option):

Immanuel Baptist Church
C/ Hernández de Tejada 4
28027 Madrid, SPAIN

For designated offerings above your regular tithe, you can specify in the memo field the mission, ministry or project designation to which you want to direct your gift. Giving reports for tax purposes are available upon request at year end.

Donate with Paypal or Credit Card

Worship Service

  • English: 10:00 AM and 12:45 PM

    Filipino: 1:30 PM


C/ Hernández de Tejada 4
28027 Madrid, Spain
Maps and Directions


Phone: +34 91 407 4347
              +34 619 313 504
Email: info@ibcmadrid


TuesdayThursday: 15h-21h.
Friday: 15h-22:30h

Immanuel Baptis Church Madrid

Worship Service

  • English: 10:00 AM and 12:45 PM

    Filipino: 1:30 PM


C/ Hernández de Tejada 4
28027 Madrid, Spain
Maps and Directions


Phone: +34 91 407 4347
              +34 619 313 504
Email: info@ibcmadrid


TuesdayThursday: 15h-21h.
Friday: 15h-22:30h

Immanuel Baptis Church Madrid

Worship Service

  • English: 10:00 AM and 12:45 PM

    Filipino: 1:30 PM


C/ Hernández de Tejada 4
28027 Madrid, Spain
Maps and Directions


Phone: +34 91 407 4347
              +34 619 313 504
Email: info@ibcmadrid

Office hours

TuesdayThursday: 15h-21h.
Friday: 15h-22:30h

Immanuel Baptis Church Madrid