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CloseTrenton Tunnell - March 28, 2021
Great Expectations
Palm Sunday is the day where you hear the story of Jesus triumphantly entering Jerusalem. People are shouting “Hosanna!” and “Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David!” There is a massive celebration, but I want to challenge you to look at that triumphant entry from a different perspective. In a matter of days, everything would change. Jesus would be arrested, beaten, and crucified. Like the Apostles, how do we respond when we are taken from a point of triumph to a point of desperation? At times we feel God calling us in a certain direction but somewhere along the way our expectations of what God is going to do and what God does begin to look very different. When this happens, how do we respond?
Scripture References: Zechariah 9:9-17
Related Topics: Expectations, Messiah, Palm Sunday | More Messages from Trenton Tunnell | Download Audio
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