Weekly Word: Nov 13th 2024

Read: John chapter 3
Watch: The Chosen Season 1 Episode

People encountered Jesus while He was “the Word made flesh.” People still encounter Him today. When did you meet Jesus? Was it “first love,” or did it take time? How did Jesus changer your outlook on life?

We learn from the encounter between Jesus and Nicodemus. Here an honored and learned religious-leader, could not see and understand what Jesus meant. Concepts such as born again, entering the Kingdom of God, and walking in the light were foreign to him. Nicodemus was thinking of the physical rheum, Jesus was speaking in Kingdom (spiritual) terms.

Finally, in plain language Jesus said, God loved us (the world) so much, He sent His Son. By believing in the Son, we may receive eternal life instead of eternal separation from God. This is the Good News of Jesus Christ. The Kingdom is available to all who call upon the Name of the Lord, Jesus for salvation. Did Nicodemus eventually get it?

Thought Questions:
Here are some life-changing questions inspired by John 3:16:

  1. Understanding Love: What does it mean to you that “God loved the world”? How can this understanding of divine love influence your relationships with others?
  2. Personal Belief: How do you interpret the phrase “that whoever believes in Him”? What does belief in Jesus look like in your life, and how can it shape your daily actions and decisions?
  3. Impact of Grace: How does knowing that salvation is available to “whoever” challenge your views on judgment and acceptance? How can this perspective affect how you treat others?
  4. Response to Love: How do you respond to the concept of God sending His Son out of love? In what ways can you express gratitude for this gift in your life?
  5. Sharing the Message: How can you share the message of John 3:16 with others in a way that resonates deeply with them? What practical steps can you take to spread this good news?

Dr. Mark John Bennett

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