Activitities at IBC

Sunday Activities

Adult Sunday School meets in the downstairs classroom from 11:45-12:45 h.

This Bible study seeks to help individua Is delve more deeply into God’s Word and stimulate their personal growth in understanding and applying Scriptures to their life. Open to any and all adults and young people.

Ladies’ Bible study meets in the Bible Buddies room,educational building out back, from 11:45-12:45 h. This study seeks to stimulate women in understanding the Word while providing a warm atmosphere for sharing personal needs and prayer requests.

IBC Choir rehearses from 11:45-12:45 in the large classroom upstairs. For further information on participating in the IBC music program,contact choir master  Eric Peters at

The IBC hospitality area is open for coffee, tea, snacks, and fellowship between the Sunday services. Come meet someone new!


Each Sunday the nursery opens 15 minutes before each service. The nursery is specifically for children 0-2 years of age. There are trained nursery workers, baby beds,an area to change diapers, and also a breastfeeding area if is located in the back building by the playground area.

3-12 years of age,remain in the worship service with their parents until dismissed to their classes just befare the sermon begins. Parents may accompany younger children to their classroom when they are dismissed. Ushers will help you find the right classroom if needed. Also thank you for picking them up promptly after the service is over.

Weekday Activities

Youth Group (13-18 years old) meets every other Friday night at IBC from 19-21:30 h.

University Group (19-22 years old) meets every other Friday night at IBC from 19-21:30  h.

Young Adults (23-30+ years old) meets every other Friday night at IBC from 19- 21:15   h.

The midweek Prayer gathering meets online Wednesday evenings from 19:45- 21:30h.