Message: “Where Are You Looking for Help? (Psalm 121)” from Bro. Timothy Eric Bermejo

A message from the series "Sunday Service." As during past Sunday’s, we continue seeking comfort and wisdom from the Psalms and in particular this morning from Psalm 121. Life’s journey is full of many dangers. We typically start out oblivious to most of them, but as our journey progresses we soon become increasingly aware of their effects on our lives. So, faced with whatever it is that troubles us, where do we turn to for help? This is the question the psalmist voiced so many centuries ago, but which is pertinent throughout human history, past, present and future: “from where does my help come?”, he cries out, and in so doing encourages us to think carefully on which is the source of ultimate and everlasting help. We are so influenced by the world’s philosophy, with its emphasis in self-reliance and human rationality that we do well in tapping into God’s Word to seek His perspective to recalibrate our compass as we travel along of life’s bumpy road.

Tim Melton - November 22, 2020

Is Being Holy Really Sustainable?

Is Being Holy Really Sustainable?

In Joshua 23 - 24 we hear Joshua's final words to Israel before his death. In the lifetime of Joshua no pagan nation or city was able to stand against Israel as they walked with God. The Promised Land was conquered, but the Canaanites had not totally been driven out. That was the task that Joshua left to the next generation.

Scripture References: Joshua 23:1-16

From Series: "Sunday Service"

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