Message: “To our Prince of Peace: “¡Viva el Rey” (Isaiah 2:1-5, Micah 5:1-5a)” from David Carey Dixon

A message from the series "Sunday Service." Doomsayers abound today, with predictions of nuclear war, devastation, and socio-economic collapse. The ongoing bellicose confrontations and political conflicts around our world make us long for the true Prince of Peace. But considering all the brokenness that war brings and the enduring lack of peace in our world, how can Christians claim that the baby of Bethlehem, so celebrated on this day, is really the “Prince of Peace”? Especially with all the wars that have been fought in His name by people claiming to be under His rule?! Yet at Jesus’ birth, the angel chorus declared, “Peace on earth among those whom God has favored!” That message, announced for all humankind, is as necessary today as at any time in history; and all those who put their faith in Jesus find Him to be the true Savior, the King who came and proclaimed His covenant of peace, setting up His “sanctuary” among His people (Ezek. 37:26-28), and lifting His “banner” over us as love (Song of Sol. 2:4). Christmas is about the good news of this revolutionary new kingdom of true peace in Jesus Christ!

Dr. David Carey Dixon - November 12, 2023

An Example that You Should Follow in His Steps (1 Peter 2:21-25, Romans 6:1-14)

One of the typical fears expressed regarding the step of baptism is that “I’m not worthy” or “I don’t think I can live up to the Christian life!” But these excuses actually betray a serious misunderstanding about Christ’s invitation. In the first place, He said very specifically that those who are well don’t need a doctor – He didn’t come for them, but for those who are ill, because He didn’t come to call the righteous (those who seem to have it all together), but sinners (those who understand they’ve fallen short, messed up, can’t fix themselves) – and the call is to repentance. Baptism is such a powerful symbol of repentance: I turn away from the old life that has controlled my direction, purpose, and self-concept – I’m buried with Jesus, baptized into His death; and I embrace the new life that I’m invited to live in Christ – I’m raised up to walk in the power He offers for living according to a different set of values: the cross!

Scripture References: Romans 6:1-14, 1 Peter 2:21-25

From Series: "Sunday Service"

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