Message: “The Heart of Christ: Unity (John 17:20-23)” from Dr. Tom Riley

A message from the series "Sunday Service." In John 17 we get a glimpse of the very heart of Jesus. On the night of his betrayal, only hours before his crucifixion, Jesus prayed with his disciples in the upper room. He prayed for himself. He prayed for his disciples. And he prayed for us. His prayer for us was that we would all be “one” so that the world would believe that the Father sent Jesus. Our love for one another is the ultimate apologetic. We tried lots of ways to convince people that Jesus really is the Son of God and that salvation is in him. Perhaps, we should take a fresh look at the way Jesus prayed for… our oneness in him. May we be challenged to live lives of radical unity with other believers in Jesus, motivated by the love of God and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Dr. Tom Riley - June 18, 2023

First Things First (Romans 11:33-12:2)

First Things First (Romans 11:33-12:2)

The marvel we feel at the love and grace of God is what Tom calls “gospel astonishment.” As we come to know Christ more deeply, His Spirit moves us to find new ways to express that astonishment, first of all, in our community of faith, which Tom refers to as “gospel commu-nity.” Then the second impulse of that amazing love moves us to reach out and touch a world not yet in Jesus’ embrace, which Tom describes as “gospel movement.” In other words, gospel astonishment builds gospel community, and gospel community fuels gospel movement. And all of it is empowered by the Spirit of Jesus to bring humanity under His shepherding care for the glory of His name and kingdom!

Scripture References: Romans 11:33-12:2

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