Message: “The God Who Pursues Us (Acts 9:1-16)” from David Carey Dixon

A message from the series "Sunday Service." The first Sunday of November is celebrated in many parts of the global Body of Christ as the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. So today we will take time to think about the plight of our persecuted brothers and sisters and to pray for God’s strength in their crises. We’ll also look at one of the earliest persecutors of the church, Saul of Tarsus, reviewing the story of his dramatic conversion, where on the road to Damascus, he became aware of the presence of God in a totally new way – in Jesus the Messiah, whom he had previously thought to be accursed because of His death on a cross. In fact, the curse of the cross (Dt. 21:23) could not begin to compare with the power of blessing in Jesus (Gal. 3:13-14).

Tim Melton - September 27, 2020

The Powerful Word of God

In the 16thand 17thcenturies the churches in western Europe were Roman Catholic. At that time in history the weekly mass was done in Latin. Most people did not read and even if they did, they did not understand Latin. It was during these years that Martin Luther and others began to challenge the way church was being done. One of the results from this Reformation was that the Bible began to be translated into the languages of the ordinary people.

Scripture References: Acts 2:14-41

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