Message: “Singing the Lord’s Song in a Foreign Land (Psalm 137, Matthew 2, Psalm 2)” from Dr. David Carey Dixon

A message from the series "Sunday Service." Who’s reigning in your household? And in your life this new year? Who’s on the throne of your heart? We want to talk about kings this morning; although the title of the message says, “Singing the Lord’s Song in a Foreign Land,” the underlying question here is, “who’s your king?!” This question came up as far back as the early days of Israel when the people looked around at other nations and decided they wanted to be more like them! (That’s dangerous!) In fact, they thought that to have a king like other nations was the solution to all their problems. Of course, in effect they were telling God they didn’t want Him for their King – they wanted a visible human king, and it was the beginning of so many problems, since the first king (Saul) turned out not to have the spiritual maturity for the job. And it’s so important for us to realize that we don’t have the spiritual maturity to be king of our own lives! But as you’ll remember, their second king set a higher standard – a man after God’s own heart – in spite of some serious flaws and failures that later revealed he didn’t have the maturity to rule God’s people either. But God promised King David that one of his descendants would ultimately come to reign on his throne forever, and He would be the perfect King, desired of all nations, the one who was truly fit to govern rightly.

Dr. Thomas A. Riley - November 19, 2023

A Love Greater than We Can Imagine! (Ephesians 3:14-21)

This sermon is a sequel to my last sermon titled “Getting it All Together” from Ephesians. In the first chapter of Ephesians, the apostle Paul describes God’s purpose as to “get all things in heaven and on earth together in Christ” (Eph. 1:10). God makes this move not just in the creation of humankind, but in what happens next. Our God doesn’t leave us to our own devices and destruction; rather, He breaks into history, coming in the flesh He pursues us!Paul describes the work of God dramatically, with God the Father “choosing” us, the Son Jesus “redeeming” us, and the Holy Spirit “sealing” us. The very sovereignty of God at work in full force … with you as the focus! We see how the sovereigns of the world behave. Sitting on thrones, in throne rooms, giving audience to few and deciding according to their whim and their own private (often greedy and gluttonous) interest. The sovereignty of God is exercised in just the opposite way. It’s a way called “love.” In fact, the apostle John describes God this way, very simply: “God is love” (1 John 4:8). He acts on our behalf in the powerful work of Jesus.

Scripture References: Ephesians 3:14-21

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