Message: “Recapturing Shalom” from Tim Melton

A message from the series "COVID-19." A year ago, would you ever have imagined that the world would be as it is this Christmas? Masks. Restrictions. Sickness. Fear. Financial crisis. And still so many unanswered questions. Do you ever have those moments where you look around and sense, deep inside, that “Life is not supposed to be like this.”It wasn´t always like this. In the beginning God created our world and everything about it was good. It was Shalom. Not just Shalom meaning peace. It was true and complete Shalom. It was life as it was intended to be. There was no shame, no guilt, no fear, and no hate. Everything was right. Right with nature, right with each other, and right with God. Shalom.

Dr. David Carey Dixon - October 29, 2023

Living by Faith: Learning Faithfulness from God (Romans 1:8-17)

This week marks the 506th anniversary of Martin Luther’s famous nailing of the 95 theses to the cathedral door at Wittenburg, an event that shook the foundations of Christendom in the 16th century. The Medieval period was getting the final nails put in its coffin because Martin Luther was willing to go back over the biblical text and be surprised by deeper meaning. As he restudied God’s Word to the Apostle Paul in Romans, he was hungry for God to show him larger truth than what he had previously understood, and so let God expand his horizons beyond human tradition. He wasn’t branching off into heresy or straying into false doctrine, but listening to the Spirit (Rev. 3:6), and his discoveries launched a deep renewal of the faith and mission of the church. That’s the spirit of the Reformation that’s worth reviving today!

Scripture References: Romans 1:8-17

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