Message: “Overcoming Uncertainty (1 Peter 4:8-19)” from Bro. Dan Yerrington

A message from the series "Sunday Service." “Uncertainty surrounds us, and can cause stress, anxiety, and doubt. There are many examples in Scripture of uncertainty in people’s lives and how they responded to it, like Joseph and his family situation (Gen 37-50), Malachi questioning God (Mal 1:1, 2:17), the invalid man that Jesus healed in the gospel (Jn 5), Paul in prison, and the list could go on. There are many ways that we see in the Bible to help us overcome anxiety. We need to remind ourselves of God´s love for us as that is ultimately reassuring (1 Jn 3:1-3), helps us to focus on loving him and others, and not on our uncertain situation (1 Pet 4:8-19). We also need to remind ourselves of checking our responses to the situations in our lives. How we respond is a large part of who we are as a person, and can help us temper our approach to uncertainty. We also need to surround ourselves with friends who will go the extra mile in speaking truth to us and encouraging us in our walk (Mk 2:3-11). We also need to feed our faith that God will always provide. If we don’t feed our faith, complacency can set in, and complacency breeds uncertainty and discontentment. This can be done by expressing gratitude to God (Ps 9:1-2). If we ask God to help us do all these things we talk about, it won’t get rid of uncertainty in our lives, but it will certainly help how we respond to it and approach it.”

Tim Melton - March 14, 2021

Living a Life Worthy of the Lord - Colossians 1:9-14

From the day the Apostle Paul heard about the young church in Colossae he did not cease to pray for them. That they would be filled with the knowledge of God´s will so that they could live in a manner that was worthy of the Lord. In Christ, their lives could bear fruit, grow in greater knowledge of God, be strengthened for the task, and be granted a heart of gratitude. As we consider these verses may we be encouraged to do the same. In Christ, we, too, have access to this "Life that is worthy of the Lord."

Scripture References: Colossians 1:9-14

From Series: "Sunday Service"

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