Message: “No Fear! — “Though the Earth Give Way!” (Psalm 119:25-32)” from Dr. David Carey Dixon

A message from the series "Sunday Service." All of God’s Word is totally relevant in today’s society, but certain parts seem to leap off the page because of their “up-to-date” significance, like the Psalm we will explore today. We continue our probing of the Psalms, “gymnasium of the soul,” God’s therapeutic counseling sessions for His saints. This time we pick up on another selection from the Sons of Korah that reads like a news report hot off the press from the front lines, with releases about natural calamities and disasters of earth-shattering magnitutde, the collapse of kingdoms and empires, wars and rumors of wars that only a superpower from beyond this world could ever bring under control – all of which contrasts dramatically with the simultaneous description of a source of peace and security that definitely transcends this world while at the same time penetrating its deepest recesses and impacting its destiny.

Wyley Jenkins - March 15, 2020

Peace, Even When It Seems Impossible

The media does not help us to maintain calm as we are told about all the deaths and problems. What shall we do in a situation like this? Does God expect us not to be anxious in these times? How do we maintain peace in the face of such a difficult situation?

Scripture References: Philippians 4:6-7

From Series: "COVID-19"

Series of messages during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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