Message: “Letting God’s Word Get a Deeper Grip on my Soul (Mt. 22:23-33, Heb. 4:12-13)” from David Carey Dixon

A message from the series "Sunday Service." Growing in discipleship to Jesus means giving serious priority to His Word. In a confrontation with the Sadducees over levirate marriage, Jesus chided those religious leaders precisely because of their ignorance of Scripture (Mt. 22:29). A lack of knowledge of God’s Word can negatively impact everything in your life and totally shipwreck any attempt at Christian discipleship. Yet we live in a “post-truth” era because so many people have believed the lie that everything is relative, since they don’t want to be ruled by absolutes. But truth will never cease to impact this world; as Jesus said, “heaven and earth will pass away, but my Word will never pass away” (Mt. 24:35). So His truth will not be dismissed from the earth just because a group of humans finds it offensive or inconvenient! In fact, the biblical parables for the Word tell us just how strong its impact will continue to be until the end of time: it’s compared to a lamp, seed, hammer and fire, bread, mirror, sword, rain and snow, Spirit-breathed, and Jesus Himself is the Logos made flesh. This variety in itself suggests the myriad of functions the Word is intended to play in our spiritual formation. There is no such thing as the “Christian life” apart from saturating our minds with God’s Truth! It won’t happen by accident — it must be intentional. So what is your reading plan to help you assimilate and practice the “whole counsel of God”? (Acts 20:26-27).

Dr. Tom Riley - April 2, 2023

The Audible Weeper! (Luke 19:28-41)

The Audible Weeper! (Luke 19:28-41)

“Earlier Jesus had wept at the tomb of Lazarus. Lazarus arose at his command. This miracle sealed Jesus’ own death, and the religious leaders intended to make it happen as soon as possible! In today’s lesson we will notice a difference between the weeping at Lazarus’ tomb and the weeping at the sight of Jerusalem. One was audible; the other was silent. Oh, the humanity of the one we call the Son of God! Oh, the divinity of the one who called himself the Son of Man. See his worthiness of praise, and live for him. See his humility, and imitate him. See his heart, and push in to the very heart of God…for all humankind.”

Scripture References: Luke 19:28-4128

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