Message: “Conquer or Be Conquered” from Wyley Jenkins

A message from the series "COVID-19." In this sermon, Pastor Wyley continues the series through the seven churches of Revelation with the letter to the church in Pergamum, 2:12-17. In this letter, Jesus commends the faithfulness of the Church at Pergamum in the middle of persecution and he commands them to deal with the false teachers that are coming into the church. Jesus promises to bless those who do his will. Listen and see if you can hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

Dr. David Carey Dixon - February 4, 2024

Say to My Soul, 'I Am Your Salvation' (1 John 5:9-12, Acts 4:12)"

In Ps. 35 David is facing a raging enemy, so he speaks vividly of his weapons and their usefulness. But he knows that victory is not ultimately in his hands; he depends on Someone much higher. So he asks the Lord, “Say to my soul, I am your salvation!” Remind me again and again: that true salvation comes from beyond myself! Make me understand this: that the battle is much more than this visible struggle, that You are the only source of true salvation! Actually we’re all hungry for salvation, though most people today don’t often relate to that term. Our “hunger” is more focused on our multiple and hyper-stimulated appetites – we think “heaven” is whatever satisfies those! We’re especially hungry for our primal needs to be met: for recognition, acceptance, fulfillment, security and love; our ambition to achieve something significant, be somebody, project a positive image; or just to repeat the thrill of an adrenalin rush (from gaming, other diversions, an exciting challenge). But “salvation” seems to speak of dire situations and crises that don’t normally happen to you in everyday life: maybe when you lose your job, have an accident, fall prey to a scam, develop a serious illness, or need a residence permit or work permit; think how desperate refugees in Spain are for some “salvation” these days! Or maybe it’s your marriage that needs saving (the stories are heartbreaking!). But soul salvation – who thinks in those terms?

Scripture References: 1 John 5:9-12

From Series: "Sunday Service"

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