Message: “Called to a Life of Worship – Colossians 3:15-17” from Tim Melton

A message from the series "COVID-19." When people hear the word Christian what do you think comes to mind? Is it positive or negative? Do they think of the Crusades or maybe Mother Teresa? Or maybe a certain denomination or political party? Or maybe they think of the good or bad example of the Christians that they have known. Our world today is ignorant of what Christ was really like and that makes it even more difficult to point them towards Him. In these verses Paul is telling the Colossians to do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, but first he must guide us through some verses that explain how it is even possible.

Wyley Jenkins - March 15, 2020

Peace, Even When It Seems Impossible

The media does not help us to maintain calm as we are told about all the deaths and problems. What shall we do in a situation like this? Does God expect us not to be anxious in these times? How do we maintain peace in the face of such a difficult situation?

Scripture References: Philippians 4:6-7

From Series: "COVID-19"

Series of messages during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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