Message: “An Unloved Mother Learns to Worship God (Genesis 29:31-35)” from Dr. David Carey Dixon

A message from the series "Sunday Service." On this Mother’s Day, when we seek to honor our mothers, we recognize that they come in all sizes, shapes, and characters. Some are wonderful and godly in spite of difficult circumstances, while others suffer from unfulfilled expectations or simply never manage to get the right focus on the task. But the Bible doesn’t specify that we should honor only the deserving mothers – it just says you somehow try to dignify and show appreciation for the one whom God has used to bring you into this world, whatever she was like. So the biblical mother we want to focus on today had some special struggles to deal with, but she doesn’t normally receive much attention – a forgotten mother named Leah, the unwanted wife of Jacob. Yet her womb would be opened repeatedly, bearing Jacob a total of six sons and one daughter. And the first four sons and their names tell the story of this mother’s anguish, of her struggle to overcome her inferior status, and her spiritual victory related to the birth of her fourth son. This mother’s story would be repeated for generations, kept in the collective memory of how the tribes of Israel had their start and how the mother of a major portion of Israel was slighted and undervalued, yet learned to change her focus and give God His rightful place in her heart. And when she did so, she gave her descendants the legacy of being called by the name of her son Yehudah (“Judeans” = Jews), which means “praise” or “thanksgiving” to Yahweh. And in their descendant Jesus, all nations would be invited to live to the praise of Yahweh!

Dr. Tom Riley - February 26, 2023

The Heart of Christ: Unity (John 17:20-23)

The Heart of Christ: Unity (John 17:20-23)

In John 17 we get a glimpse of the very heart of Jesus. On the night of his betrayal, only hours before his crucifixion, Jesus prayed with his disciples in the upper room. He prayed for himself. He prayed for his disciples. And he prayed for us. His prayer for us was that we would all be “one” so that the world would believe that the Father sent Jesus. Our love for one another is the ultimate apologetic. We tried lots of ways to convince people that Jesus really is the Son of God and that salvation is in him. Perhaps, we should take a fresh look at the way Jesus prayed for… our oneness in him. May we be challenged to live lives of radical unity with other believers in Jesus, motivated by the love of God and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Scripture References: John 17:20-23

From Series: "Sunday Service"

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