Read: John 6
Watch: The Chosen (sermon on the mount) Season 2 Episode 8.
Pray: Thank you for being my nourishment, my Bread of Life.
This week we begin the seven I AM statements of Jesus found in the Gospel of John. These statements are significant because they reveal, in Jesus’ own words, who He says He is. In Greek He used the words egō eimi (ἐγώ εἰμι) meaning “I AM.” Jesus was identifying Himself with the self-revelation to Moses by the LORD who stated I AM who I AM (יהוה). This name is YHWH, or YaHWeH, which is rendered Jehovah. This is the proper name of the One True God and pictures the LORD as one who exists and causes existence (harkening back to Creation).
Jesus’ first statement of power, position, and prestige was, I AM the Bread of Life (John 6:35). This declaration came in dialogue with the crowds of people following the feeding of the 5000. The mob of people wanted more food, “like Moses gave manna in the wilderness, they claimed”. Jesus’ announcement was in stark contrast to their physical hunger. He said, “Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again. Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” (v.35)
God created us with a spiritual hunger for Him. We need to eat to survive, but we need Jesus, our Bread of (eternal) Life so that we do not perish. Jesus said not to worry about our stomachs but, “Spend your energy seeking the eternal life that the Son of Man can give… “(v.27b). As we seek to be one in union with Jesus, and we partake of Him as our daily bread, we receive His life, His love, His Spirit (Holy) into our being. We are being transformed into the image of the Son of God. We become like Christ in our thoughts, words, intentions, and actions. Jesus is the bread to fill our spirits and the living-water to quench our hungry souls.
- How have you experienced Jesus as the “Bread of Life” in your own spiritual journey?
- How are you feeding on the Word of Life?
- In what ways does partaking of Jesus, the Bread of Life, transform our thoughts, words, and actions?
- How do you see this transformation in your life or others?
- What are you doing to drink deeply from Jesus, our Living Water?
Dr Mark John Bennett