The following was posted online this week. I am always blessed when the Lord works in mysterious ways… I pray this will bless you.
God is not in love…
with your mask —
the you that you put forward…
for everyone else to see…
the carefully constructed public self…
with the perfect Facebook smile…
and the glowing reports…
of how you are doing great,
just great.
He isn’t head over heals with the facade —
your best foot forward…
your attempts at a good first impression…
your efforts to conform to the group.
But He is in love with YOU.
He loves you—
the real you..
the you than no one ever sees…
the you that you let no one see…
the one you are afraid to let anyone else see.
THAT you…
that you hope no one around you…
ever discovers…
is totally accepted…
is adored…
and loved beyond measure.
He sees you…
just as you are…
and He likes what he sees.
he knows you…
better than you know yourself.
He’s not surprised…
taken aback…
standing aghast…
with His mouth agape.
He knew you before you were born…
and He loved you then…
and He loves you now…
in the midst of your brokenness…
and pain…
and failures…
and rebuffs.
He looks at you…
and He sees his beloved son or daughter…
perfect in His eyes.
He knows all those things…
that worry you…
that weigh heavy on you…
that make you feel unloved…
will evaporate…
fall away…
as you learn to dance with Him…
and learn to live loved…
in the circle of the Forever Family.
He loves you…
just the way you are.
Carmen LaBerge, ECHOES OF GRACE, p.260.
Dr Mark John Bennett