Weekly Word: Nov 20th 2024

Read: John 4
Watch: The Chosen Season 1 Episode 8
Jesus said, “Everyone who drinks this water will get thirsty again and again. Anyone who drinks the water I give will never thirst—not ever. The water I give will be an artesian spring within, gushing fountains of endless life.”    John 4:13-14  MSG
       Jesus orchestrated an encounter. Last week, we looked at how Nicodemus met Jesus (at night), this week we see Jesus meet an untouchable woman where she was at… She was an outcast, broken, bitter, and hurting… but thirsty.  In this beautiful exchange, He asked her for a drink, but in the end, He gave her Living Water. He gave her what she really needed, a relationship with Almighty God that became, in her, a spring of fresh, bubbling water called eternal life. We too, may drink deeply from Jesus and receive Him so that within us, we have a river of life bubbling up, giving us joy, hope, peace, and love (yes, Advent is coming)!
     1.  Spiritual Thirst
              Both Jesus and the woman were physically thirsty, but Jesus offered her 
              “Living Water” — what do you think He meant by that? How does Jesus’ living
              water connect to the deep spiritual thirst that we all experience?
     2.  Jesus is the Source of Life
              How can we apply Jesus’ “Living Water” to our own lives today, especially in times                         of struggle or weariness?
     3.  Personal Encounter with Jesus
              Jesus met the woman exactly where she was, acknowledging her brokenness
              but offering her something that can heal and restore. Have you ever had a
              moment where Jesus met you in a similar way, offering you His grace and
              healing? How did that change you?
     4.  Living Out the Gift of Living Water
              After her encounter with Jesus, the woman went back to her town and shared 
              what had happened to her. What does it look like to “drink deeply” from the
              Living Water and then share that joy, hope, and peace with others?
Dr Mark John Bennett